Follow Me, the best enterprise walk-through, created in minutes

Follow Me provides users with in-application guidance, walking them step-by-step through your application processes and tasks, while they do the work.
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Event JDE Jan 23 7
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What is a walk-through?

A walk-through helps users execute application tasks correctly, without training.
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Guides a user step-by-step through the process

Tells the user what to do at each step

Allows the user to execute the correct action in the live application

Continues each step through completion or until the user is self-sufficient and opts out

Follow Me: the next generation walk-through

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Create walk-throughs in minutes

As fast as an SME can perform the process
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Zero learning curve for creation

Just click and “go”
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Created automatically like all other Opus content

Single source/multiple outputs
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Easily adapt to changes in your target application

Update in minutes

Benefits of Follow Me

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Faster time to user proficiency

Eliminate ineffective and costly training
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Reduced support tickets

40-85% reduction in help desk tickets
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Greater user satisfaction

Self-sufficiency is motivating
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Dramatically faster creation time

Up to 95% faster that other tools

How is the Opus Follow Me walk-through different?

The Opus Follow Me uses an entirely different walk-through technology that allows any SME to create a walk-through in a fraction of the time – no learning curve, created as fast as the SME can execute the targeted process. Other walk-through tools require advanced technical knowledge of the tool which limits who can be a walk-through creator, reduces how many you can create, and greatly increases maintenance cost.

Give users the right content for the right need

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Opus meets the needs of all users (hover over bubble to see)
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Opus with Follow Me supports all digital adoption needs

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Scales to any volume

10, 100, 1,000 walk-throughs
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Moment of need is best

Right content at the right time to the right user
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Different user skill levels

Skill levels vary, enable guidance to their level of need
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Users have different learning styles

Read, watch, tell me, guide me – give them what they prefer
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Onboarding to on-going

Prescriptive guidance for beginners to reminder/remedial support for more experienced users
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Varied process complexity

Simple tasks to the most complex tasks
Increase user productivity
Reduce business cost
Enable customer success

Schedule a call with one of our digital adoption specialists.