Opus Author
Verified competency in Opus Authoring skills
Opus Author
Verified competency in Opus Authoring skills
At a Glance
Skill Level
Beginner to Expert
System Administrator
Content Manager Authors
Project-based Authors -
Epilogue Opus
Opus Advisor
Opus Recorder
Opus Editor
Opus Books
Opus Project Workflow

- The Opus Author Certification Program is designed to validate Opus authors’ skills in creating, managing, and distributing Opus assets.
- This program aims to ensure that individuals possess the knowledge and capabilities required to excel in their roles, whether they act as an Opus system administrator, author, or partner providing Opus services.
- Participants will demonstrate their proficiency in key areas such as Opus Advisor, recording content, editing content, creating Opus Books, and using the Opus Project workflow to collaborate on content creation.
- The Opus Author Certification is offered as a self-paced hybrid program. An assessment for each sub-area of the certification is provided to earn a badge. Once each sub-area is completed and passed, participants will be fully Opus Author certified.

Who it’s for
Opus System Administrators
Opus Authors with the Content Manager role
Opus Users with Project-based author permissions
System Integrators using Opus
Independent Software Vendors
Badges offered to earn full Opus Author Certification
Initial Opus Set Up
Opus Books
Opus Recorder Functionality and Best Practices
Opus Project Workflow
Opus Editor Functionality and Best Practices
Opus Follow Me Walkthrough Considerations
Opus Content Manager Features
Opus Advisor Context Optimization
The Process
Opus Books for Authors are available to all Opus users in the “Opus on Opus” embedded Advisor (lightbulb)
Attend weekly learning sessions – detailed information & meeting link in Customer Success email.
Self-paced study using the Opus Books found in the Opus Library.
Once confident with the book contents, contact your Customer Success Manager to schedule your assessment. You can choose whether to complete each area for a badge separately or test on all topics at once.
Complete Assessment within your testing appointment.
Earn all 8 badges to become fully Opus Author Certified.