Key Results
1000 UPK+

The key to accellerating
your digital adoption

Highlights at JBPCO include
- Opus is now the JDE end user support platform for all staff
- Replaced UPK in 2023 in under 3 weeks
- IT Applications include JD Edwards, Ceridian, Salesforce, & HCM
- JBPCO have over 500 UPK converted Documents
- JBPCO are using Opus Follow Me for live In Application Support
- Opus will support multiple languages including Spanish and French Canadian

Key Results
1000 UPK+

If you’re a fan of fresh lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower and other vegetables, there’s a good chance you’ve enjoyed Tanimura & Antle’s delicious products! They are one of the largest sellers at Costco and have been in business since 1982. And it takes great teamwork to grow great vegetables so in 2017 began offering an employee stock ownership program, one of the first in the industry.
When T&A initially implemented JD Edwards World in 2016, they used Oracle’s UPK product to create documentation and simulations. Facing a big Accounts Payable JDE Enterprise One project in 2019, they knew UPK’s days were numbered and began looking for other options. They wanted something easy to use and that would avoid a big learning curve for both Authors and Content Consumers. As a lean organization, they also wanted a tool that required minimal involvement from IT.
Finally, they needed to convert hundreds of existing UPK assets, both standard content from Oracle and custom developed content, as quickly as possible. In the past, with UPK, the entire library had to be republished, which took considerable time, resulted in less frequent updates, delays to content availability.
Summary of their experience:

In the past, documentation, if available, was sometimes ‘hidden’ in a subject matter expert’s binder (or brain!). Now this knowledge is quickly captured and able to be distributed to the right people, at the right time, in the right way.
f end users will be building content at the same time as learning a new system, build this into your project plan. A lot of change at once can be disruptive.
Look at the entire end to end process of digital adoption – from scoping, to
authoring, to reviewing, to publishing, to deployment to end users, to evaluation of
results. Ensure all steps align seamlessly and support end user readiness.

Next on the T&A digital adoption journey is a big upgrade to Sales, Distribution and AR in 2021. Following the mantra of ‘always improve’, the company is already looking at how to distribute content to users even faster. Of particular interest is Opus’s SSO integration capability, as well as the Embedded Advisor functionality. This will provide a help link directly on top of the JDE screen.
CONNECT WITH AN EPILOGUE SYSTEMS EXPERT TODAY to discover how your organization can benefit from our digital adoption solution, Opus. Opus was designed and built for the complexity, size and scale of digital transformation projects, enterprise applications and complex application landscapes.